De la serie Hacia 1984
...cuando el Estado persigue a niños de 8 años por gastarse bromas entre ellos?
Leo un artículo de Henry Porter acerca del aumento de casos de abuso de autoridad en el Reino Unido al amparo de algunas leyes concebidas "en principio" (o con la excusa) para luchar contra terroristas.
Pero me he quedado alucinado al leer este caso:
At Lynch Hill primary school in Slough they have started using CCTV cameras to track down children responsible for classroom pranks. A girl caught on film hiding another child's shows was exposed. Was the crime so serious? Couldn't a teacher elicit the information from the class without resorting to surveillance tapes? The girl's mother said: "This use of the cameras is ridiculous. She took the shoes and hid them in a locker. We all do silly things and play jokes when we are children. They should have given her a chance – she's only eight.
Por favor, un poco de sentido común. Todos hemos crecido haciendo y recibiendo gamberradas, bromas, etc. Y nadie ha salido traumatizado ni peor persona por ello.
Como añadido, la presencia de las cámaras altera nuestro comportamiento. Nos influye psicológicamente. No vale el "si yo no hago nada malo, me da igual".
"My daughter no longer wants to go to the school," she added. "The cameras have made her a bit panicky. Children should be taught to tell the truth without the use of these cameras."
Foto One nation under CCTV por jordi.martorell (licencia CC:by-nc-nd)